When it comes to infants, there are two things you can never have enough of, diapers and onesies. Some parents will also add socks, but this article is about those cute one-piece outfits.

Finding onesies is a breeze. You won’t even have to go to a dedicated baby store, but are you sure you are picking out the best clothes for your infant? There are factors to consider that will keep your baby comfy and make your life a little easier.

Ready to pick the best infant onesies in Arizona, keep reading to learn how.

How to Pick the Best Infant Onesies Arizona Edition

Picking out onesies for your baby involves a little more than checking for the right size, here are the other factors you want to consider.


Pay Attention to the Fabric 

Your baby is perfect, and you want to show him or her off. It is a natural reaction and there are plenty of trendy and adorable newborn outfits to choose from. Your baby looks so cute in the clothes until the crying starts.

The adorable clothes are irritating your baby’s sensitive skin. Unfortunately, switching back to onesies may not prevent the problem.

Like baby clothes, onesies are made from different types of material. Look for onesies made from cotton. Organic cotton is best, but it does come at a higher price point. Soy-based materials are environmentally friendly and gentle on your baby’s skin. Another option is rayon derived from bamboo. The fabric feels like silk and won’t cause a rash.

You want to avoid polyester and nylon onesies. These fabrics retain heat and moisture. Not only is this uncomfortable for your infant, but it also causes skin irritations.

Think Safety 

Usually, the simple one-piece outfits aren’t adorned with beads or buttons that can present a choking hazard, but with most products for infants, it is something to look out for.

Avoid buying onesies with bows, hooks, and sewn-on flowers. Drawstring ties are something else you want to stay away from. These onesies are adorable on your infant, but you are also putting their safety at risk.

Look for onesies made from fire-retardant materials, especially if your baby sleeps in them at night. The cost is higher, but it is worth it to keep your infant safe.

Convenient for Parents 

Convenience is a keyword for parents. You want to find products that make your life easier, and this applies to onesies too.

Look for one-piece garments that are easy to get on and off. Remember, most babies like to squirm around. It makes it hard to get them dressed.
Snaps at the bottom are a must-have. You will be changing multiple diapers throughout the day and night. The snaps allow you to put a fresh diaper on without having to undress your baby.


Washable fabrics are something else you want in a onesie. Handwashing cute clothes is fun the first, and maybe the second time, but it gets tiring pretty quickly.

best infant onesie arizona

Consider the Season 

When you think of onesies, short sleeves come to mind. You can also find them with long sleeves and full legs. These are great in the winter, but you don’t want to overdress your baby in an Arizona summer. It only makes both of you miserable.

A good tip when you’re buying onesies is don’t get too far ahead of the seasons. You may find an adorable winter onesie in the spring, but it most likely won’t fit your growing baby by the time the temperature changes. Stick with only buying onesies for the season you are in.

Sizing Doesn’t Have to Be Perfect

You never want to buy any clothes for your baby that are too small. It’s the same when it comes to larger sizes. Your baby may eventually grow into a bigger size, but chances are, by then it is forgotten at the back of a drawer.
It’s okay for the onesies to be a little loose at first. Your baby will quickly grow into it. Just make sure it’s not big enough for your infant to wiggle out. It’s even harder to get the clothes back on the second time.


Express Your Style 

You can still express a sense of fashion and style with onesies. Not all of the one-piece outfits are solid white. You can find them in multiple solid colors, along with multi-colored, striped, and various prints.

Want to express your love for your home state of Arizona? You can find onesies proclaiming Arizona as the 48th state. Let everyone know you are proud of your state, and there is no better way than with an infant onesie.

Have fun with onesies. The outfits are inexpensive, and your baby will only wear them for a month or so before moving up to the next size.

The Price Matters 

There is a fine line between being frugal and spending extravagantly. You don’t want to buy the cheapest onesies on the market since the fabric is usually inferior. Even if the material doesn’t irritate your baby’s skin, there’s a good chance the onesies won’t survive multiple washings.

You also don’t need to purchase designer onesies. Remember, your baby will only fit in the clothes for a couple of months. You can easily find retailers, often online, that offer high-quality onesies at a price everyone can afford.

Final Thoughts 

Thanks for reading "How to pick the best infant onesies Arizona edition"! Amazed there is more to choosing onesies than price and size? You’re not alone. It’s something even parents of multiple kids don’t always think about.
You don’t want to overpay for an outfit that will only last a few months, but you also don’t want a cheap one that irritates your infant.

Look for quality fabrics like cotton and avoid any sewn-on decorations. If you're looking for infant onesies in Arizona, there are various options available.
Also, think about the season. Keep the sleeves short in the summer and long in the winter. Even Arizona gets chilly when the seasons change.